Saturday, November 9, 2013

clone tool

I gave this two attempts with the clone tool. For the first images with the beach access sign, I took out all the wires and pole. This took me a few times to get it right. I still think it could be a little cleaner. I had to play around a lot with the opacity and re-clicking the clone tool to get the sky proportioned properly and not leave marks. For the second image, I edited the show. I tried to get the scuff marks out of the bottom of the shoe. But, again I think that photo could be cleaned up more with practice. 


  1. Your work removing the power line is very impressive. The altered photo shows no signs that it was edited. It looks natural and must have taken a significant amount of time to complete. The color added to your beach photo is great example of subtle paint tool use. Nice job.

  2. Great work this week. Removing the power lines from first photo really gave character to that image. The lines, while creating an interesting diagonal were an element of the photo that didn't really need to be there. Perhaps the only thing missing from the edited version of that photo: a bit of dodging on the street signs themselves. Also, nice work removing the scuff marks on that shoe. Its a subtle change, but it makes a big difference.

  3. very nice with the cloning tool, and doing two examples! Wow! Both really add to the photos. There is nothing worse than telephone lines in the wrong place and the scuffed shoes really needed cleaning up. Good work in both.
